Conris Summer School

European students in risk, security and safety are invited to the 2018 CONRIS Summer School, supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. This annual event brings together students and academic tutors from across Europe, along with guest contributors from key security agencies from the host country ...

Participants will have the opportunity to examine a number of contemporary security challenges and ways of addressing them, engage in intercultural learning and gain employability skills with the support of a variety of security specialists.

This year’s theme, From Global to Local: Delivering Security in Uncertain Times, considers some of the risks and threats characteristic of today’s uncertain and interconnected world. It will introduce you to common and transferable approaches to their management, whether one is working in the public or private sector, and at the international, national, local or organisational level.

Participants will be immersed in a programme of talks, exercises, discussions and visits introducing key issues, ideas, methodologies and tactics central to the assessment and management of security risk in a variety of contexts. Pre-reading will be supplied to you, providing an overview of the security risk management process around which the summer school will be structured, and participants should bring laptops to work on. You will come away with an insight into professional practice across multiple sectors relevant to your degree, a pan-European network of contacts, and career development guidance to assist you in your transition into employment.

In the evenings, you will have the opportunity to socialise with students, teaching staff and guests from across Europe in a relaxed, informal setting.

The full programme for the event can be downloaded here: CONRIS European Summer School programme 2018. This may be subject to minor changes.
CONRIS stands for the Cooperation Network for Risk, Safety and Security Studies, and their website can be seen here.


The summer school booking rates for students and visiting international academics are £330 (early bird, available till 1/6/18) and £365, covering accommodation, breakfast, lunch, daytime refreshments and a barbecue on the final evening. Visitors will need to bring sufficient funds to cover dinner and drinks on the remaining evenings. The fees are subsidised via the European Union Erasmus+ programme, our corporate sponsor synergia, and the University of Portsmouth.



Once you have booked your place, please join our LinkedIn group CONRIS Summer School 2018 to help you plan your visit and network with other participants.

We look forward to meeting you in July, and if you have any queries, please email Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Information for universities

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Information for universities

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