The educational model of the school offers the security sector the opportunity of advancing towards European standardswhile taking on new lines of research and teaching innovation. At the same time, it has made great efforts to maintain a close relationship with companies in the sector in order to respond to their growing need for qualified personnel.
Our offer of courses is aimed at both new university students (from high school or vocational training courses) who want to enter the labour market, and active professionals who are seeking to advance in their area of work, either by studying for a Bachelor’s degree or for one or our Master’s degrees or postgraduate diplomas, or specialisation courses.
Currently, the school is working to achieve greater internationalisation by participating in European networks in this area which promote its consolidation and greater proximity to the European continent in matters of risk prevention and security, a strategy that has begun to produce results, among other things, with the first Summer School.
1998. From the Department of Public Law and Historical-Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona work begins to design a degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security.
1999. Following the decision on 22 July 1999 the syllabus of the degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security is published.
1999-2000. The qualification of Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security is recognised for work as an expert in labour risk prevention.
2000-2001. The qualification of Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security is recognised to obtain a security management position. The qualification of Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security is recognised to obtain a private detective position. The Professional Placements Programme is launched.
2001-2002. The student of the first course graduate in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security. The first Workshop takes place.
2002-2003. The consultancy programme is launched with a view to meet the risk prevention and security needs of public and private institutions and companies.
2003-2004. The first External Committee of the Equivalence Programme of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) is set up and visits the school on 1 and 2 June to evaluate the Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security. On 22 June, they issue a report with a positive evaluation of the Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security.
2004-2005. Equivalence is granted with the university diploma qualification to access the Licentiate Degree in Criminology.
2005-2006. Equivalence in granted with the higher diploma in Criminology for entry to the corps, scales and categories of the forces and security forces of the public administrations.
2006-2007. The selection programme for local police officers and arms evaluation is consolidated.
2007-2008. The first Master’s degree course in Risk Prevention and Management in the Community begins.
2008-2009. Official recognition of the new Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security for access to positions of security director and private detective.
2009-2010. Process begins to adapt the UAB Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security to official studies such as the Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security.
2010-2011. The order is declared to approve the qualification Official Bachelor’s Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security.
2011-2012. The tenth and final groups of students of the Degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security graduate. The tenth Workshop takes place.
2012-2013. Implementation of the official Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security.
2013-2014. Work begins on a mobility programme specialising in security and risk prevention.
2014-2015. The school joins the CONRIS network and therefore becomes the first member school in southern Europe. New strategies begin to promote the incorporation of graduates in the labour market through the Jobs Bank.
2015-2016. The Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security becomes the first official course in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security with accreditation. The accreditation process for the official Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security and the UAB Master’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security begins. The External Evaluation Committee makes a visit and the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) produces the final report as a result of which the qualifications of Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Risk Prevention and Security and Master’s degree in Risk Prevention and Management in the Community area accredited, meaning that we have achieved accreditation in all areas. The section “Relevance of public information” was classed as excellent.
Campus de la UAB
Plaça Cívica
08193 Bellaterra
Barcelona, Spanien
00 34 935 81 11 11